Blumfield Secure Transport Delivers to ‘Shut Ins’ During Pandemic | COVID-19 Relief Effort 2020
Wednesday, 01 April 2020
Blumfield Secure Transport (BST) recognizes the impact that COVID-19 has had on families and businesses within the local community. BST, along with other local businesses such as Hidden Harvest and Freeland School District, have joined the movement ‘Proactive Community Involvement’ put on by 9 Mid-Michigan residents that wanted to make sure that school-aged children were
- Published in Marijuana Industry
The Evolution of the Marijuana Market
Monday, 30 September 2019
The History of Marijuana/Hemp Believe it or not, Hemp was grown by our founding fathers. In fact, there was a point in the early 1700’s when all farmers in several colonies were required by law to grow hemp. The Hemp was cultivated by farmers for use amongst a variety of industries to produce ropes, ship
- Published in Marijuana Industry
General Marijuana Transportation Guidelines
Monday, 30 September 2019
When transporting marijuana whether as an individual or as a business, it is vital that you understand the general guidelines to ensure that you are keeping yourself safe- and in full abidance with the law. While not all the guidelines listed in this article are necessarily directly related to the laws enacted in each state,
- Published in Secure Marijuana Transportation
Federal / State Laws Pertaining to Transporting Marijuana
Monday, 30 September 2019
Throughout the U.S and around the globe marijuana is becoming legalized at a rapid rate for medicinal- and in some state’s recreational purposes. If you are thinking about transporting marijuana, it is important to understand the Ins and Outs of the industry so that you have a thorough understanding of what is Legal and what
- Published in Secure Marijuana Transportation
Risks in Transporting Marijuana
Monday, 30 September 2019
There are a variety of security requirements and precautions one should routinely abide by in the marijuana industry and for good reasoning, because there are a variety of risks associated with transporting marijuana. In this article, we aim to capture three specific risks to be aware of – so that you can properly prepare and
- Published in Secure Marijuana Transportation
Security Requirements for Transporting Marijuana
Thursday, 26 September 2019
There are several vital security factors and/or requirements that directly relate to the marijuana industry. In this article we aim to capture 5 simple processes to follow, to ensure that you are always in compliance with the industry standards when transporting marijuana. This article will serve to provide you with a keen sense of awareness,
- Published in Secure Marijuana Transportation